Sunday, July 17, 2011

First Day!

So this is the first day of my blog! Yay!

Ah, so where to begin? I will start from the top!

My dream is to become a writer someday, but unfortunately my only writing involves romance between females, awesome right? Turns out there is a small market and I will probably wind up broke! Added with my career goal of becoming a teacher and my family despises me - QQ

I do in fact play World of Warcraft. I try to pull away, but it's a soul-sucking game that will rip your life apart. I will try to keep any posts about this game to a minimum. It get's enough press...

Yes, I do watch anime and read manga. So I've kinda nailed in the 'I'm a Nerd' logo...Yet we nerds should have pride in what we do! Never surrender to the norms of society! Best anime lately was Durarara! and the best manga author would be Otsu Hiyori. You're a pro if you know either of those.

Politics....Well.... I'll put it bluntly: I'm a historian. Current matters of the world all link to things that have happened in the past and I believe we could better ourselves as a society if we were willing to take lessons and learn off of mankind's history rather than get swept up in propaganda from both sides. Well(let's be honest) it's not that black and white, but that's why I hate politics!

Now to the core reason why I have made this blog:

I will be posting my writing here alongside my crummy diary-esque posts. I have a few stories which are completed, but what will be posted her will be completely in tune with a new form that I'm doing and I'll be beginning with three short-stories that relate to a novel I want to work on. In between I'll have some narrative poems thrown in here and there.

Much love to anyone who reads me!

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